初一作文 2024-06-21 00:38:04
初中作文频道小编[雨过初晴°]今天给大家整理了《初一英语作文:very surprised》的优秀作文,这篇初一英语作文:very surprised共有550字,是一篇很优秀的原创作文,这篇初一英语作文:very surprised很值得大家参考和学习。
Mother is the most important person to us. Now people celebrate Mother’s Day every year. It has become more and more popular. This day is on the second Sunday in May. On that day, children often send their mother flowers to express their love. And some children make small gifts for their mothers.
In last year's Mother's Day, I didn't spend it with my mother because she was in the hometown and I was at school, which made me feel ashamed. At night, I called my mother. At that time, I left my tears, and my mother told me that I should study hard at school. In the end, I said to her “Happy Mother’ Day, I love you" and she was very surprised and happy.
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