四年级作文 2024-06-18 12:26:22
小学作文频道小编[一朵无名花 ╮]今天给大家整理了《四年级英语作文:Do you like English》的优秀作文,这篇四年级英语作文:Do you like English共有300字,是一篇很优秀的原创作文,这篇四年级英语作文:Do you like English很值得大家参考和学习。
English is a very improtant subject,so we are going to learn English very well.We live in the 21th century and peition.If we learn English well we can strike out the world.
We can read more English books and write more English positions.My teacher often tell me speak English with my friends.
I like English very much!Do you like English?
这篇小学作文《四年级英语作文:Do you like English》还未收到评论
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